用感恩心對人 世界就是彩色的. ......用瞋恨心對人 .人生就是黑白的
凡事感恩..就能增長福氣..... 凡事怨恨. 就會倍增災難

英文片語 慣用語


         另外,一個單字如果只跟某些特定的字詞連用,叫「慣用語」(collocation),市面上也有這種字典,不然好的字典會將這些字用粗黑體印刷,提醒你要一起用。例如I am angry with you.(我在生你的氣)這時,就要記「be angry with 某人 = 生某人的氣」,尤其是介系詞,不同的動詞、形容詞,就會用不同的介系詞(讓英語初學者恨到不行,呵!)講白話一點,所謂「慣用語」就是「英美人士平常都是那麼說的」,就好像我們說「我在生你的氣」,不說「我在生氣你」,明白了嗎?


  1. 1.          a few 一些(+可數名詞) I bought a few ( = some ) books. 我買了一些書。
  2. 2.          a little 一些(+不可數名詞)I ate a little ( = some ) cake. 我吃了一些蛋糕。
  3. 3.          a little 一點點;稍微 (+形容詞/副詞)I am a little tired. I have to take a rest. 有一點累,我需要休息一下。
  4. 4.          a lot 很多;非常 I like her a lot. (= very much) 我很喜歡她。(當副詞,修飾動詞)
  5. 5.          a lot of 很多的… He made a lot of ( = much) money by selling a lot of ( = many ) cars. 他靠著賣很多車子賺了很多錢。(後面可接可數名詞及不可數名詞)
  6. 6.          be able to+原V   能夠… I won’t be able to do it without your help. 沒有你的幫助,我沒法子做。(將不能做、沒能力做)Are you able to (= can you ) jump over that wall? 你有辦法跳過那座牆嗎?
  7. 7.          be about to + V   正要;將要  He called me when I was about to go out. 他打電話給我的時候,我正要外出。
  8. 8.          How/ What about Ving/ N  …好不好;…怎樣  How about going to the movies tonight? 今晚去電影院看電影如何? I’d like a cup of tea. What about you? 我想要來杯茶。你呢?
  9. 9.          be afraid of Ving/ N  害怕…  Are you afraid of snakes? 你怕蛇嗎? Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. 不要怕犯錯。
  10. 10.      be afraid to 害怕… I am afraid to make you cry. 我很怕把你弄哭了。
  11. 11.      be afraid (that)+子句  恐怕… I am afraid that you have to do it again. 恐怕你要再重做一次喔!(用來避免直接告訴對方不好的消息,that可省略)
  12. 12.      above all 最重要的是…;尤其是  He is smart, friendly, and above all honest. 他人聰明、友善,最重要的是人很老實。 (註:不怎麼常用)
  13. 13.      again and again 一而再、再而三  I’ve told you again and again. Don’t eat junk food. But you just don’t listen. 我已經一再地告訴你,不要吃垃圾食物,不過你就是不聽。
  14. 14.      數字+years of age  ~歲大(= ~years oldThe lost boy is 5 years of age. 失蹤的男童年齡五歲(註:此為書面語,口語通常用~years old
  15. 15.      一段時間+ago  ~(時間)以前  I saw him about twenty minutes ago. 我大約在二十分前有看到他。 I saw the movie once, a long time ago. 很久以前看過那部電影一次。
  16. 16.      agree with sb on/about sth 同意某人的看法;與某人意見一致  I don’t agree with you. 我不同意你。 Although we are good friends, we don’t agree on everything. 雖然我們是好朋友,但不是每件事都能看法一致
  17. 17.      by air 空運;搭飛機   Sending a package by air is faster than by boat. 用空運寄包裹比用船運來得快。
  18. 18.      on (the) air (電視、收音機等)節目播出 (常為電台DJ用語)Studio Classroom is on the air. 空中英語教室(節目名)現在為您播出  比較My favorite program is on . Turn to Channel 5.  我最愛的節目在做了(播出了),轉到第五台
  19. 19.      not (…) at all 一點也不  I don’t like her at all. 一點都不喜歡她。  A: Do you mind if I sit beside you.  B: Not at all你介意我坐你旁邊嗎? 一點也不(我不會介意的)。
  20. 20.      all but 幾乎;快要 (= almostThe show was all but over when he arrived. 當他抵達時,表演都快結束了。(almost比較常用)
  21. 21.      all right 還好;沒事;安好(= OK 

1 A:  Are you all right?  B:  Yeah, I’m just tired. 還好吧?嗯,只是累了。

2Don’t worry.  Everything will be all right. 別擔心,一切都會沒事的。

  1. 22.      all over 遍及;遍佈;全身;結束  Clean up your room.  There’s trash all over the floor. 把你的房間打掃一下。地板上到處都是垃圾。One of my dreams is to travel all over the world. 我的夢想之後是環遊全世界。  Wake up. Face reality. It’s all over. She dumped you. That’s it. 醒醒吧,面對現實,一切都結束了,她把你甩了,就是這樣。
  2. 23.      get/come/go along (with sb) (與某人)相處  We didn’t get along well. 我們相處得不好。  He is difficult to get along with. 他這個人很難(和他)相處
  3. 24.      be angry with/at sb  生某人的氣(= be mad at sb  It was not my fault.  Why are you so angry with ( mad at ) me?  那又不是我的錯,幹嘛對我這麼生氣?
  4. 25.      be angry at/about sth 因某事而生氣  My teacher was very angry at/about my being late. 我的老師對我的遲到非常生氣。
  5. 按這裡去測驗一下自己吧


  1. 1.          not…any more (anymore)  再也不…  He doesn’t love you any more. 再也不愛你了。
  2. 2.          appear ( = seem) (1) N  (2) adj  (3) to V  (4) that子句   顯得;好像;似乎 

1You made me appear a fool. 你讓我顯得像傻瓜一樣。 

2  He appeared upset this morning. 他今天早上顯得煩燥不安。 

3  There appears to be no answer to this question. = It appears that there is no answer to this question. 這個問題好像沒有答案。

4  You appeared to have made a mistake. = It appeared that you have made a mistake. 你好像犯了一個錯誤。

  1. 3.          hold/ take sb in one’s arms  將某人擁在懷中   I held her in my arms and gently stroked her hair. 將她擁入懷中,輕柔地撫摸著她的頭髮。
  2. 4.          arrive at 小地方/ in 大地方  到達…;抵達…  They arrived at ( = got to = reached )  the station at midnight. 他們午夜抵達車站。 We arrived in ( = got to = reached) Tokyo yesterday. 我們昨天抵達東京的。 注意:arrive ( get/ reach) here/ there/ home 都不加介系詞。
  3. 5.          arrive at sth 達成…  We talked about this matter for hours but didn’t arrived at any decision. 我們這件事討論了好幾個小時,但都沒達成任何的決定。
  4. 6.          as adj/ adv as 像…一樣  He is as tall as his father (is). 他像他爸爸一樣高。 He can run as fast as I (do).  You don’t look as happy as you were yesterday. 你看起來沒有像昨天那樣高興。 I am twice as old as you. 我的年紀是你的兩倍大。
  5. 7.          as soon as possible ( you can ) 儘快  Please answer me as soon as possible (= asap). 請儘快回覆。
  6. 8.          as if (= as though) 好像;彷彿  She talked to me as if she was my mom. 她跟我講話的口氣好像我媽一樣。(跟事實相反時用過去式動詞)  You look as if you don’t like this idea. 你看起來好像不喜歡這個點子喔!(可能發生的事,可用現在式)
  7. 9.          as for…至於  You can stay, as for John, he has to leave. 你可以留下來,至於約翰,他必須離開。
  8. 10.      as well (除…之外)…也  I like basketball and badminton as well. 我愛籃球,愛羽球。  We are going to the show. Why don’t you come along as well我們要去看表演,你何不一起來呢?
  9. 11.      ask sb sth 問某人某事  Can I ask you a silly question? 我可以問你一個傻問題嗎?  He asked me the way to the post office? 他跟我問到郵局的路。
  10. 12.      ask sb (not) to do sth  ()某人(不要)做某事  My teacher asked me to study harder and not to cheat on the tests again. 老師叫我用功一點,不要再考試作弊了。(ask可換成tell, want, get)
  11. 13.      ask for sth  要…東西  The little boy came to me for help. 那個小男生來向我求助。  Their son always sent e-mails to ask for money.  他們的兒子老是寫電子郵件來要錢。
  12. 14.      away from…距…有多少距離;與…保持距離  The beach is only five minutes’ walk away from here. 海邊距離這裡只要五分鐘路程。 Keep the medicine away from children. 把藥放在小孩拿不到的地方。 Keep away from that dog. It will bite. 不要接近那隻狗,牠會咬人。
  13. 15.      right away 馬上;立刻(= at onceI want the answer right away. 我馬上要知道答案。
  14. 16.      behind one’s back 在某人背後  He said something bad behind your back. 在你背後說你的壞話。